Today, March 3rd, is World Book Day 2022. It’s hard to believe a whole year has passed since we celebrated our love of books worldwide. It’s a great time to think about your favourite books and authors and what makes them special to you. 

What are some of your favourite quotes from books?

Who are your favourite characters?

How have books made you feel?

What have books made you do or want to do?

So much has happened on a grand scale over the past year. With lockdowns, people had more time to read books to educate and entertain themselves and their loved ones. 

Book lovers determined to keep their book club active continued to meet but did so online. It didn’t matter that those members might be dressed in pyjamas with a cuppa or a glass of wine and snacks at hand. All that mattered was the chance to continue to connect through a mutual love of books and the opportunity to discuss them with like-minded people.

Despite a lot of hardship, it has been a period of unprecedented and immense creativity. Where people may have been financially poor, they became creatively rich, whether that was by having to rethink their ways of working and managing a business or by writing their own book or poetry because people had more time to tap into their creative skills.

Time affords us creativity. When we slow down our pace, our creativity flows as we become more in tune with the world around us, which is the playground of our inspiration. With time for walks when not working in the office, the mind rekindled the awe of the wonders of nature, 

As the sun set each day and the sadness of solitude soared, we found solace in the stars, knowing we were all together underneath a midnight blue blanket of twinkling lights that would never fail to shine no matter what. They were our reminder at the end of each day that we are to always shine our light and never give up our burning ambitions or our hopes and dreams. 

Do you have an interesting, helpful or inspiring story to share? Then write it down even if it’s in a journal, simply to be shared between your own heart and mind. One day, you might find the courage to publish your story in a magazine, on a website, on your social media or in your own book. Your words, your unique story, may just transform someone else’s life. Even if you help only one person, you are being of service. That’s a great gift to give.