I often wonder at the folly of the human race and how people so often focus their time and energy on pointless things that shouldn’t even concern them when they should instead be living a fulfilling, heart-centred life. But some people’s lives are empty because they are themselves so empty on the inside because they have neglected their heart and soul by allowing darkness to creep in. That causes them to only focus on the external, material, pointless and banal in life as a self-distraction from the deep inner work they need to do. They try to establish some sort of sense of self-importance and authority in their little world because they’ve lost touch with the bigger picture of what truly matters. 

On parts of roads that are very narrow or on a blind bend where the only way two passing vehicles can remain safe is for one or both of them to drive on the grass verge that is owned by the local Council to avoid physical injury to the motorists or damage to the vehicles, I wonder why people living nearby get so het up by tyre track marks imprinted on these verges that the residents don’t even own. They seem to regard them as an extension of their garden or property, but they belong to the Council. Everything has a purpose and the purpose of the roadside verge is to provide a safe passing area. It’s these narrow places where motorists, walkers, runners and animals need space to move onto the verges, but they are so often met with barriers instead. Residents get angry about a strip of grass a few feet wide not looking pretty while people are starving, homeless, dying of diseases, getting murdered or trying to survive war.

While it’s admirable that people wish to keep these strips of Council-owner land looking attractive on behalf of the Council, and everyone likes to keep areas neat and tidy, it is perplexing that people have become so territorial over a narrow strip of land they don’t even own that they would rather endanger road users than kindly leave the verge easily accessible to all road users to avail of when necessary. No one wants to mess up these verges and cover their tyres and vehicles in mud on purpose. But life is made awkward for others by people who generally enjoy being awkward; people who thrive on and are driven by being nasty and selfish. Some life lessons in healing low vibration emotions of attachment, anger and entitlement might be called for. 

Some rural stretches of road are so narrow they are particularly difficult to traverse by farmers in tractors where the road is almost only as wide as the tractor, so what are they supposed to do when they meet an oncoming vehicle if the verge has been made inaccessible by territorial people who think they own it?

Farmers are getting enough grief at the moment by ignorant finger-pointers blaming cows for climate change. There’s nothing wrong with cows or nature. Nature is perfect and works symbiotically. It’s mankind that’s imperfect and this world works perfectly without mankind. Humanity should stop and think about that. If humans weren’t here, the planet would heal and regenerate itself back to perfection in no time. Humanity needs to stop pointing the finger at nature and point it back at themselves for mankind’s greed expressed through industrialisation, war and over-consumerism.

How much pollution is created by all the aeroplanes, vehicles, emergency vehicles and supplies vehicles involved in practising for war and in actual war, as well as the factories polluting the atmosphere making artillery, tanks, war planes and army uniforms? Governments should stop all wars and see how pollution and global warming decline, but they won’t curb their urge for obtaining more territory, more oil, more assets, more control. We all know wars are always based on a lie that covers the real reason behind the campaign (the biggest lie of any war is one that has been waged in the name of God since God is love, the opposite of war and all Jesus ever taught was peace and love): to take from another country what another country covets, such as resources and land. Then they blackmail other countries into joining their war campaign of lies under the threat of cutting off trade with them. Instead of governments acknowledging their massive role in pollution and climate change, they blame cows for their very own nature of being ruminants, even though we all witnessed clear skies and how global warming dropped during Lockdown when cows were still outside doing what they’ve always done, but flights and vehicle travel were restricted. Funny how people’s memory is short when it suits those in power – it’s mind boggling how these types of people even get to these positions of authority. Narcissists charm and lie their way into positions of authority because they are brilliant at playing a convincing part and blaming others for everything, loving any opportunity to dictate rules and laws to everyone else while displaying a veneer of power, but never wanting to follow orders or rules themselves. But they reveal their darkness and true self as their mask/facade begins to slip as they become less able to keep up the charade of being a do-gooder and a decent, genuine person.

Some people boycott dairy milk and opt for plant-milk alternatives and thereby contribute to creating deserts in places such as California because of the huge amount of water needed to grow plants to produce their plant-milk alternatives, not to mention all the pollution created in the factories involved and by transporting the products thousands of miles. But let’s ignore the facts that don’t suit our agenda and lifestyle and keep blaming cows for the world’s problems. It’s even better that they can’t speak up for themselves since there’ll be no arguing back.

The human race has become a human disg-race. The choice for humanity is either: evolve to a higher consciousness where selfishness and greed cannot exist and stop the rot or become extinct, so the planet and all other species on it can live in peace and flourish on Earth. (Start listening to John Lennon’s song “Imagine” daily instead of wasting hours watching mindless drivel on TikTok. When I heard that song on the radio when I was very young, I asked my mum: ‘How does he [John Lennon] know what Jesus was telling us if he [John] isn’t dead yet?’ because I could only imagine John Lennon knowing exactly Jesus’ thoughts and feelings about the human race, religion and the planet if he was dead and “in heaven” talking directly to Jesus. I didn’t consciously understand then that spirit can speak through us by many means. Ironic that both Jesus and John were murdered for speaking the truth. Jesus was a man, mystic, psychic, spiritual teacher, advocate for spending time in nature, a vessel for the Holy Spirit to work through and a rabbi who travelled all over the world from a young age till he began his ministry age 33 during which time he was trained in the teachings of all the different religions and mystery schools and had a deep affinity with the druids of Great Britain because they lived in unison with nature and revered God’s Earth (all men with the title rabbi in those days HAD to be married, but the Church have gone to great lengths to try to cover that fact up to create a fear-based, patriarchal control system devoid of the sacred feminine, based on lies and cherry-picking passages to be included in the Bible to suit the political agenda of the time, leading us to this messed up world led by the head and not the heart. You tell a lie enough times, on a worldwide scale and it becomes accepted as a truth. The church seems to have adopted and perpetrated the habit of denial instigated by the apostle Peter). Both Jesus and John were regarded as trouble-makers for wanting to change the system, spread love and peace and to elevate human consciousness to create “heaven on earth” – since heaven is not some place high in the stars you can reach if you travel far enough in a spaceship, but rather it’s a state of consciousness of advanced, evolved souls living from the heart. But those in authority wouldn’t listen to either of them, wouldn’t allow peace and a new way of living through the heart to exist and apparently they still don’t want to; they’d prefer everyone to continue to live a life of needless suffering and allow evil to reign as long as they can keep growing the amount of money, possessions and power they have because they’re so short-sighted and ignorant that they can’t see the pointlessness of materialism or see beyond this human lifetime and the consequences of their actions. The only thing you can take with you is your soul and either a legacy of good deeds or evil ones. Jesus said: “My father’s house has many mansions” and I am sure after your soul departs your body that you’d rather it be going to exist in a pleasant experience rather than an unpleasant one from which you will have to return a thousand times till you learn the life lessons, wake up and evolve. Perhaps people could sing “Imagine” in church every Sunday instead of hymns that ask people to adore Jesus since he never asked to be adored. He asked to be heard, to be listened to, to be believed and for people to follow his ways of being, which is what he meant when he said, “Come, follow me”. He wasn’t asking people to become a hoard of groupies following him around, putting him on a pedestal. He was humble. Humble people don’t ask to be adored. After 2000 years, so many people still don’t get it. Less people are attending church and churches are closing because Jesus’ teachings and ways aren’t being taught there and people know this in their hearts and are disillusioned with the hypocrisy and lies and preaching that instils fear not love into people. People haven’t lost faith in Jesus; they’ve lost faith in the people and institutions that are supposed to be teaching his teachings and in the way Jesus did; with love. They have realised they can have a direct relationship with Jesus without the need for any intermediary. Systems and institutions are crumbling because they are to be rebuilt on foundations of truth and integrity. Evolution certainly does take a long time.)

I saw a decorative plate for sale yesterday with this statement printed on it: “Grant me patience Lord, but hurry!” I laughed as I undergo one of the longest tests of patience of my many lifetimes: watching and waiting for the human race to evolve. While some people seem to be on the verge of insanity, others – thankfully – are on the verge of a breakthrough. (I can wholeheartedly relate to the exasperation of the Guardian Angel Clarence in the Christmas movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” and fully understand why I always related to him so deeply since I first watched it as a young child.)

Many people still need to evolve from being egocentric, officious, self-centred and move away from focusing their time and energy on narrow-minded and pointless things to evolving to expand their hearts, minds and souls to express and dwell in a higher level of consciousness focused on kindness, compassion, generosity and love for one another and this planet. Many have reached that place already. Congratulations! While we will wait for the others to play catch-up, we are grateful for the lesson in patience and will try our best to understand the lower vibration actions of human behaviour until they learn better.

The bigger picture awaits. It just comes into focus more quickly for some than others.