All’s Well that Ends Well

All’s Well that Ends Well

Divine timing and synchronicity have been at play again. I planned to be in Glastonbury on Sunday 30th June – my first physical visit to Glastonbury – and was feeling disappointed that I would not get to see the “Mother and Child” statue by sculptor Ganesh Bhat in its...
Stay a While

Stay a While

Divine timing was at play today while I was working on the heart area of a client receiving Integrated Energy Therapy (IET). There was a message in the vision received for them and for me. After a recent visit to the grave of poet W.B. Yeats in Sligo, I discovered...
End the Stereotypes

End the Stereotypes

The theme for World Down Syndrome Day 2024 is “End the Stereotypes”. It’s in our human nature to judge and pigeonhole people. We may do so based on many things including a person’s appearance, behaviour, habits, possessions, fashion style or social status. All too...
Let Faith be Your Guide

Let Faith be Your Guide

I always knew this trip would be special, was destined and divine timing would play its part. Finally, I landed in Carcassone in southern France, with my family, disembarking the plane to be hit by a 36 degree heatwave on 18th July 2023. My original trip departure had...
Mind the Gap

Mind the Gap

If you read The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben, you may well understand the tragedy and crime of the gross act of vandalism by a man wantonly felling the Sycamore Gap tree at Hadrian’s Wall in Northumberland recently. Scientific investigations have proved...